

The Kyoto Economic Review

The Kyoto Economic Review Overview

The Kyoto University Economic Review (KUER), the predecessor of The Kyoto Economic Review (KER), was founded by the Department of Economics of the Imperial University of Kyoto in 1926 as a Western language academic journal of economics.

The Kyoto University Economic Review (KUER) is the oldest academic journal of economics written in Western language in Asia, had been issued until Vol. 72, No. 1-2, 2003, and the journal title of The KUER was changed to The Kyoto Economic Review (KER) from Vol. 73, No. 1 published in June 2004. The KER, the successor of The KUER, has become an open refereed international journal that welcomes submission from the outside of Kyoto University.

Until Vol. 86, No. 1-2, 2018, The Kyoto Economic Review (KER) had been issued by the Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University. Then, from Vol. 87, The KER is published by the Kyoto University Economic Society. The publication in print form is discontinued and The KER after Vol. 87 has become an online journal.

The Kyoto University Economic Review (KUER) and The Kyoto Economic Review (KER) are compiled as database from the first volume. All the texts of all the volumes of The KUER and The KER have been released through KURENAI, Kyoto University Research Information Repository, managed by the Kyoto University Library Network.

The Kyoto Economic Review Submission Guidance

・The Kyoto Economic Review (KER) welcomes submission of manuscripts related to economics and management.

・For submission, see “The KER Submission Guidelines”.

・Submission of a manuscript will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.

Editorial Board: Committee of the Kyoto University Economic Society

Executive Editors: Chief Editor (Committee Chief), Co-Editor (Committee Vice Chief)

The KER Submission Guidelines (PDF)

The KER Submission Application (MS Word)

The KER Notification of Submitter’s Changes (MS Word)

The KER Proof of Acceptance Request Form (MS Word)

The KER Reproduction Permission Request Form (MS Word)

Call for Papers

For members of the Kyoto University Economic Society

・The KER requires a submission fee of 10,000 yen.

・Please send your manuscript and “The KER Submission Application” as attachment of e-mail to Secretariat of the Kyoto University Economic Society (gakkai@econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp).

For non-members of the Kyoto University Economic Society

・The KER requires a submission fee of 10,000 yen.

・Non-member submissions must be endorsed by one of the members of the Kyoto University Economic Society.

・Please send your manuscript and “The KER Submission Application” as attachment of e-mail to Secretariat of the Kyoto University Economic Society (gakkai@econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp).

・After confirming the receipt of the submission fee, the review process of your submitted manuscript will begin. When you finish paying the submission fee to the bank account of the Kyoto University Economic Society, please inform Secretariat of the Kyoto University Economic Society (gakkai@econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp) by e-mail as to the payment.

・The payment of the submission fee from overseas to the bank account of the Kyoto University Economic Society is possible through the international postal money order. If there is anything unclear, please contact Japan Post Bank or financial institutions near your location.

The bank account for money transfer is as follows.

Japan Post Bank account
Bank account number: 01090‐6‐17219
Account holder: KYOTO DAIGAKU KEIZAIGAKU-KAI (京都大学経済学会)

Past Issues of The Kyoto Economic Review

Articles of The Kyoto Economic Review (KER) published by the Kyoto University Economic Society

The Kyoto Economic Review (after Vol. 87)


Articles of The Kyoto University Economic Review (KUER) and The Kyoto Economic Review (KER) published by the Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University

The Kyoto Economic Review (Vol. 73, 2004-Vol. 86, 2018)
The Kyoto University Economic Review (Vol. 1, 1926-Vol. 72, 2003)

Addresses for Inquiries

・For The Kyoto Economic Review (KER) after Vol. 87

Secretariat of the Kyoto University Economic Society: gakkai@econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp


・For The Kyoto University Economic Review (KUER) Vol. 1, 1926 to Vol. 72, 2003, and The Kyoto Economic Review (KER) Vol. 73, 2004 to Vol. 86, 2018

Library committee, Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics Library: 040ker-jimu*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (please replace * with @)